by plantsolutions | Jun 17, 2022 | Design & Installation, Horticultural Service
Protect your plants from pests. How to get rid of pests on household plants without using harmful pesticides Discovering pests on your interior or exterior plants can be both disappointing and frustrating, leaving you to wonder how you can save them. The good news is...
by plantsolutions | Jun 14, 2022 | Biophilic Design, Plant Walls
Breathtaking centerpiece serves as the heart and soul of native Michigander’s home Paradise Valley resident and Plant Solutions client Erin D. came to us with a yearning to feel a connection to the home she left behind in Michigan. Accustomed to lush greenery and...
by plantsolutions | May 24, 2022 | Plant Walls
Plant Solutions creates show-stopping living wall for this eco-focused event Green Living Magazine, a local eco-conscious lifestyle magazine designed to inspire readers to make mindful choices for a healthier lifestyle and planet, hosted an Earth Day event focused on...
by plantsolutions | May 13, 2022 | Biophilic Design, Design & Installation
Best Indoor Plants for Arizona Looking for a way to bring the outdoors in this summer? Indoor plants can help. While it may be too hot to enjoy nature during the summer months in Arizona, there are plenty of ways you can connect with the natural world inside your own...
by plantsolutions | Apr 28, 2022 | Biophilic Design, Holiday Solutions
Summer means Santa, snow and sparkles for the leader in biophilic design During the spring and summer months, it’s normal for people to have holidays like Easter and Mother’s Day at the top of their minds, or maybe they’re focusing on summer vacation plans with family...