Strategically placed plants act as natural barriers in open offices. Did you know plants play a crucial role in acoustic design? That’s right—using plants for soundproofing can significantly reduce noise in your office space, making it a quieter and more productive...
MossWallArt™ Articles
Moss Wall Art Nurtures Your Space and Our Planet
Joe Zazzera standing in front of a MossWallArt® masterpiece. Nature is the root of who we are at Plant Solutions. Every service we provide facilitates a connection between humans and the natural world. It is our dream that through our efforts, we will foster...
What is MossWallArt?
A biophilic design trend in interior landscape design is MossWallArt. Although aesthetically similar to living plant walls, moss walls are generally made with dehydrated moss that is rehydrated with glycerin, creating a one-of-a-kind artwork that does not require...
Say Goodbye to a Stark Office and Hello to Biophilic Design
Office Plant Designs Enhance Your Space Office design is changing – and for the better. Designers are bringing in more creative furniture, better colors, dynamic lighting and, of course, plants into the workplace. Biophilic office plant design is becoming a staple in...