Moss Wall Art Nurtures Your Space and Our Planet

15 May | Featured, MossWallArt™

Moss Wall Art, Joe Zazzera
Joe Zazzera standing in front of a MossWallArt® masterpiece.

Nature is the root of who we are at Plant Solutions. Every service we provide facilitates a connection between humans and the natural world. It is our dream that through our efforts, we will foster consciousness and passion in the hearts of those who inhabit Earth to nurture nature for future generations.

Fueled by our founder’s expertise, Joe Zazzera, a Certified Biomimicry Professional, Plant Solutions has chosen an active role in developing industry standards and best practices to provide the finest products for our customers and the preservation of our planet. As members of Green Plants for Green Buildings, we are honored to be a resource for architects, designers, and project managers to provide their clients the benefits of nature through many forms of greenery in the otherwise lifeless built spaces of today’s world. Through the rigorous certification process of the Living Product Challenge, we have developed a method for creating our handcrafted, one-of-a-kind, MossWallArt™ in a way that ensures superior quality, sustainability, and social responsibility.

What is the Living Product Challenge?

The Living Product Challenge is a game-changer for the world of product design, and Moss Wall Art is no exception. The standards go beyond traditional sustainability, requiring an extensive process, including third-party verification that the product positively impacts the environment, society, and its users. It confirms that each piece is made using renewable energy and non-toxic materials. It requires manufacturers to consider their social and ecological impacts throughout the product life cycle.

Experience Our Craftsmanship

See how our certified Living Products, including our unique MossWallArt™, embody sustainability and social responsibility.

Contact Plant Solutions

mosswallart – moss wall
Beautiful MossWallArt piece featuring tree husk design.

Benefits of Living Product Challenge for Moss Wall Art

You are investing in Moss Wall Art, which benefits the natural world and enhances the quality of life for those who incorporate it into their spaces. It is a low-maintenance option that requires no watering, fertilizing, or pruning – making it perfect for those who want to add life to their space without hassle. Beyond being eco-friendly, Moss Wall Art can be a beautiful way to incorporate greenery to bring a sense of tranquility and connection to nature in your home or workplace.

Why collect our Moss Wall Art that meets the Living Product Challenge Standards over mass producers?

By choosing Moss Wall Art, which follows the Living Product Challenge standard, you can confidently support a company committed to reducing its environmental impact and promoting sustainable practices. Our Moss Walls are structurally supported with premium supplies that are NAF and FSC certified and devoid of LBC red-list chemicals. The foundation of the Art itself is formed with Mycelium, an alternative to floral foam which is known for containing concerning chemicals. We source our high-performance natural substrate Mycelium from Ecovative; a biomaterial technology company that “grows sustainable materials that come straight from nature.” Our designers also use 100% natural mosses, lichens, and untreated driftwood in each custom Moss Wall. We guarantee that the moss used in your artwork is of the highest quality, ensuring that your Moss Wall Art will thrive and remain beautiful for years to come.

Moss wall installation - Renaissance Phoenix Downtown Hotel
Moss wall installation – Renaissance Phoenix Downtown Hotel

Explore Our Portfolio

You can enjoy nature’s beauty while supporting companies working towards a more Earth-nurturing future. Check out our Moss Wall gallery for inspiration or contact our design team to get started on your unique Artwork today.


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