Vertical Green Walls are Sprouting up Everywhere!

6 May | Biophilic Design, Indoor Landscape

Eco-Friendly Vertical Green Walls

What do chic boutiques, renowned museums, swanky hotels, and private residences have in common? They’re all sprouting vertical green walls that many people consider true works of plant art! Whether inside or out, freestanding, or attached to buildings, vertical green walls are an attractive, eco-friendly alternative to bare, boring walls. They’re also a great way to use space that would normally be overlooked.

What is a Vertical Green Wall?

living green wall or vertical green wall is a collection of plants in a structure that grows vertically. This green wall system can be freestanding, or it can hang on another structure or wall. Living green walls can be a range of sizes and designs. They can even be indoor or outdoor living walls. Learn more about vertical green walls below.

Benefits of Vertical Green Walls

Adding a vertical green wall to your space could be really beneficial. There are a lot of benefits to adding a green wall. Check out some of these benefits below.

Plants are Beneficial

A green wall or vertical plant wall is a great option for many different spaces because plants themselves are so beneficial. Plants are a great addition to a space for many reasons. One reason is that plants act as natural air filters in an indoor space. Plants absorb not only carbon dioxide but other harmful chemicals in the air and make it purer. There have also been studies that have shown that plants can improve productivity in the workplace. Plants improve productivity and focus by helping to calm and focus the brain. Research has shown that humans have a connection to nature, and this connection means that humans thrive when surrounded by nature and plant life.

Beautiful Interior Art

Another benefit of vertical green walls is that they can make for beautiful living art. Anyone can hang a painting on the wall of their office, but not everyone has a growing and living green wall in their business space. Vertical green walls can be indoor art to make your space more beautiful for business partners, employees, clients, and whoever comes into your space.

Options Abound

Strategically placed individual live plants ranging in size from ground covering to small trees are what today’s vertical green walls are all about. But rather than sprouting from dirt in the ground, a carefully constructed and attached support system delivers water and nutrients to the many live plants, succulents, and other foliage that form the basis of these living walls. Practically any type of live plants, succulents, and foliage can be incorporated into these extraordinary plantscapes, including edible plants like vegetables, fruit trees, herbs and salad greens. There are so many options when it comes to indoor plantscapes, and living green walls. These options can be customized to fit your specific space.

No Place is Off Limits

As the trend in vertical green walls continues to soar, so do the heights of these impressive structures. Today it’s not uncommon to see entire sides of towering office buildings covered in lush live plants. Hotel lobbies and interiors are other areas where vertical green walls are common. Living walls have even sprouted up along sound barriers surrounding highways, on walls where you might otherwise hang impressive artwork, and believe it or not, inside urban lofts and office space. Large or small, inside or out, vertical green walls are sprouting up all over the globe, in locations and eye-catching designs never before imagined. Thanks to technological advances in landscape installation and engineering and the creative imaginations of plantscape artists, this is one sustainable idea that has definitely taken root and is guaranteed to thrive in the right environments.

Getting a Green Wall with Plant Solutions

Now that you understand some of the benefits of vertical green walls, you might want to get a green wall for your space. Plant Solutions is a plant services company that can build and install a green wall for you. Learn more about the steps to getting a green wall from Plant Solutions below.

  • Reach out to us.
  • Tell us about your space and your needs.
  • Check out our showroom of green walls.
  • Let us build your green wall.
  • We will set up a time to install your green wall.

At Plant Solutions, we make it easy for you to get a vertical green wall. Follow the steps above so that we can help you get a green wall for your space.

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