Greening Your New Year’s Resolutions

3 Apr | Indoor Landscape, Indoor Living Walls, Phoenix Plant Service

We are a few weeks into the new year, and some of us are already wondering how are resolutions are going. Others are celebrating how easily and gracefully changes are being implemented into making a fresh, new start. reports that 60% of people make New Year’s resolutions, but only 8% achieve them. While these resolutions are typically about improving our personal well-being through diet and exercise, many resolutions are linked to the workplace. A few popular ones include improving work-life balance, career advancement, or pay raises or bonuses. Yet, few of us consider our workspace as an avenue for greater personal well-being.

Biophilia Makeover

What used to be seen as an “extra” design element or an afterthought, biophilic design has fast become more of a requirement when designing office work spaces of any size. The term “biophilia” refers to our innate connection to nature. Although many of us live and go about our daily activities in highly artificial environments, deep down we feel most at home in the natural world. Regardless of whether your resolutions are unfolding with ease and grace, the good news is that you can make a resolution at any time, and we suggest starting fresh with a biophilic office makeover.

This makeover could be on a small or large scale, so begin with your own personal space. It’s worth noting that biophilic design is quite scalable. It can begin with something as basic as adapting existing spaces through the use of natural colors, materials, plants, and water features. Plus it’s time to start fresh in 2020 with renewed energy and vision for our planet – in part because this year marks the 50th anniversary of Earth Day on April 22nd. What better time to take some steps to bring Mother Earth into your workspace than now, in acknowledgement of Earth Day? And it’s easier than you think, as horticultural experts Plant Solutions can show you how.

Commit to a Green Workspace

We make New Year’s resolutions conscientiously, mindfully and with great purpose, in order to improve our overall well-being. Yet, when was the last time you committed to making your workspace an avenue for improving that well-being through the principles of biophilia?

Biophilic design takes its cues from Mother Nature and recreates those inherent patterns and principles in your own environment. Gone are the days when people think of plants as only adding aesthetic value. Plant benefits include increased worker productivity, hospital healing rates, tenant and employee retention, sales volume, and many more.

Plant Solutions is your expert resource for helping you create a biophilc environment with living walls, moss wall art, and plant design through our customized plant rental programs. When people are given the choice, they choose a space rich with natural elements over those that are lacking them because we inherently are connected to our natural world. Plus, as you’ve heard us say before, workspaces that bring the outside environment into the office discover that employees respond by being more creative, productive and experience reduced anxiety.

As a thought leader in creating healthy and profitable building spaces, let us support you in making and keeping a New Year’s resolution sure to have impact far beyond this year.

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