Have Yourself a Plant Solutions Christmas

16 Dec | Holiday

The holiday install season is upon us! And we just finished decorating homes and businesses around the valley.

We have eight different series that feature individually designed trees, wreaths, garlands, column sprays, poinsettias and branch displays. In order, the most popular Christmas decoration colors this year were:

Champagne Toast

A fusion of ivory, soft gold and platinum along with beautiful crystalized ornamentation create this extravagant look.

Heavenly Bordeaux

Burgundy and platinum beaded poinsettias are surrounded by gorgeous ornamentation, a touch of plush velvet ribbon finish off this rich look.

Winter Luxe

A timeless appeal, the Winter Luxe Collection dives into the season with a high-fashion feel and rustic wintery undertones.

Crimson Cheer

Gold beaded orchids are surrounded by gorgeous ornamentation of rich reds and gold. This theme promises to get everyone in the mood for the holidays!

Midnight Jewels

Opulent magnolias and poinsettias with their beading of crystals glisten against a background of the combination of metallic leaves and lavish ornamentation.

Northern Seasons

Get ready for a traditional holiday with colors of red, green, blue, and gold, mixed together using predominantly ornaments. Create a clean contemporary look with a classic feel.


A stunning fusion of platinum, gold and silver gives this theme a luxurious, contemporary feel. Matte, shiny, and jeweled ornamentation come together with a classically metallic aesthetic that will fit in any office.

Winter Seasons

An icy combination of turquoise, silvers, lime green and cobalt blue unite to bring a crisp, cool modern feel which will look beautiful through the holiday season.


We want to show off these beautiful designs in person! Check out our gallery of past designs and get us on your calendar for next year at https://plantsolutions.com/holiday.

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