Why Do They Call it “Green”?

7 May | Natural Wellness

Have you ever wondered why this “movement” we are in is called “Green”? Every logo, icon, report, newsletter and label is affixed with some sort of plant leaf, tree or seed with a green colored background or lettering. They didn’t call it the “blue” movement, although perhaps they could have but could you imagine;  “I’m gonna turn my house blue this year” or “I’m going blue”.  It just wouldn’t fit. According to a Gallup poll 2/3 of Americans cite gardening as their favorite hobby. It is no surprise. When you want to become calm and tranquil where do you go? To a park (where it is green), camping in the outdoors (where it is spacious and green) or to a spa filled with indoor plants to calm you and help you breathe and relax. Is it any wonder that major corporations put living plants in their offices and building atrium’s? They learned a long time ago that plants reduce stress, and an employee who is relaxed is more productive and absent less. The employers return on investment far exceeds the cost of plants and the maintenance. Today’s Green Movement is indicative of holistic awareness. As a culture we are increasingly aware that everything we do affects something else. We understand that small changes, when multiplied by many people,  can make a big difference in the environment and in the health and lives of people. The Interiorscape industry has always taken a holistic approach, we “get it” and we live it. It is appropriate that we call it green,  because without the benefits of (green) plants we die!

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